Jumat, 26 Juli 2019

Chapter 2: Hello Again!

Hello, apologize it took so long for me to resume my postpartum stories since many things happened in the last 2 years.

I am a mother of one. My beautiful daughter is 2,5 year-old by the time I share this story. I am moved to share my postpartum journey since I experienced that during the hard times after having a baby, I had no clue on what’s going on with me (so did my family), thus I didn’t immediately reach out for the help that I need. I am sure, a lot of other moms out there experience it probably even more intense than I did, and I hope my story will assure that you are not alone.

I developed postpartum depression, anxiety, and severe insomnia shortly after my daughter was born. Although I insisted at the beginning that I don't feel depressed at all, two psychiatrists confirmed otherwise and after I looked back at those days right now, I realize I wasn't who I am today, so there must be something wrong went on back then.

Please apologize for my limited English. I tried my best to ensure this story reach a lot of moms, and I hope you would understand what I mean even tough I may slip on the writing structure sometimes.
Thank you for having this journey with me!

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